Qt application fails to start because of missing mf.dll
Installation and Deployment
We migrated our application from Qt5 to Qt6.2.2 that was built from source. Everything went well but now on some Windows machines applications fail to run because of error missing mf.dll. After some investigation we found out that Qt WebEngineCore module (Qt5WebEngineCore.dll /Qt6WebEngineCore.dll) depends on mf.dll and in Qt5 the dll was being delay loaded so missing dll didn't cause any problem but now in Qt6 that dll is no longer delay loaded and prevents our application from starting where Windows Media Foundation runtime dlls are not installed.
Was that a deliberate change in Qt6 or was it somehow mis configured during build. Here is the configure options we used:configure -release -force-debug-info -qtlibinfix _xxx -nomake examples -prefix <dir> -opengl dynamic -icu -schannel -sql-sqlite -system-sqlite -no-feature-wmf
Is there a work around that doesn't involve installing WMF?