[Solved] Editing and saving indexed roles to Settings
Hi, I want to create a user editable menu.
The idea is the user can edit the price, name and type of the label and when the app is closed/opened, the edited data remains.
I'm struggling, as this involves indexes and I'm not sure how to access/edit/save these elements (roles of list element) and save them for next time the app is opened.
What am I missing?, not doing?
Here's what I have so far;
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import Qt.labs.settings 1.1 ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 960 height: 540 color: "darkgreen" title: qsTr("Pudding price list") Flickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: grid.height Grid { id: grid rows: 2 rowSpacing: 60 columns: 2 columnSpacing: 60 topPadding: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Repeater { model: ListModel { id: sweetModel ListElement { name: "Fudge Cake" type: "cake" price: "3" image: "images/fudge-cake.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Gateaux" type: "sponge cake" price: "4" image: "images/gateaux.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Cookies" type: "biscuits" image: "images/choc-chip-cookies.jpg" price: "4" } ListElement { name: "Ice Cream" type: "dairy" price: "5" image: "images/ice-cream.jpg" } } Rectangle { id: background width: 300 height: 200 color: "maroon" radius: 10 TextField { id: cost text: price background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } font.pixelSize: 36 color: "white" onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).price = cost.text } TextField { id: label text: name font.pixelSize: 36 background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } color: "white" anchors { margins: 15 bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).name = label.text } TextField { id: kind text: type anchors { bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } color: "white" background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } font { italic: true pixelSize: 14 letterSpacing: 2 capitalization: Font.AllUppercase } onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).type = kind.text } Settings { id: settings category: "Menu" } Component.onCompleted: { cost.text[index] = settings.value("costText", cost.text[index]) console.log("Price: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).price); //console.log("Name: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).name); //console.log("Type: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).type); } Component.onDestruction: { settings.setValue("costText", cost.text[index]) console.log("Price: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).price); //console.log("Name: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).name); //console.log("Type: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).type); } } } } } }
Your indexing for editing seems to be working. I think the settings should be a global and will most likely require serialization.
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import Qt.labs.settings 1.1 ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow visible: true width: 960 height: 540 color: "darkgreen" title: qsTr("Pudding price list") property bool save: true onClosing: { if(save){ let tlist = [] for(let idx=0; idx<listmodelsource.model.count; ++idx){ let obj = listmodelsource.model.get(idx) let temp = {name:obj.name, type:obj.type, price:obj.price, image:obj.image} tlist.push(temp) } let stringed = JSON.stringify(tlist) console.log("written", stringed) listmodelsourcedata = stringed } } property string listmodelsourcedata: "" Settings { id: settings category: "Menu" property alias listmodelsource: mainWindow.listmodelsourcedata } Component.onCompleted: { if(listmodelsourcedata){ let tlist = JSON.parse(listmodelsourcedata) console.log("read", listmodelsourcedata) sweetModel.clear() for(let idx in tlist){ sweetModel.append(tlist[idx]) } } } Flickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: grid.height Grid { id: grid rows: 2 rowSpacing: 60 columns: 2 columnSpacing: 60 topPadding: 30 anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter Repeater { id: listmodelsource model: ListModel { id: sweetModel ListElement { name: "Fudge Cake" type: "cake" price: "3" image: "images/fudge-cake.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Gateaux" type: "sponge cake" price: "4" image: "images/gateaux.jpg" } ListElement { name: "Cookies" type: "biscuits" image: "images/choc-chip-cookies.jpg" price: "4" } ListElement { name: "Ice Cream" type: "dairy" price: "5" image: "images/ice-cream.jpg" } } Rectangle { id: background width: 300 height: 200 color: "maroon" radius: 10 TextField { id: cost text: price background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } font.pixelSize: 36 color: "white" onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).price = cost.text } TextField { id: label text: name font.pixelSize: 36 background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } color: "white" anchors { margins: 15 bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).name = label.text } TextField { id: kind text: type anchors { bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } color: "white" background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: "#00000000" } font { italic: true pixelSize: 14 letterSpacing: 2 capitalization: Font.AllUppercase } onEditingFinished: sweetModel.get([index]).type = kind.text } /* Component.onCompleted: { cost.text[index] = settings.value("costText", cost.text[index]) console.log("Price: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).price); //console.log("Name: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).name); //console.log("Type: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).type); } Component.onDestruction: { settings.setValue("costText", cost.text[index]) console.log("Price: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).price); //console.log("Name: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).name); //console.log("Type: " + " " + sweetModel.get([index]).type); } */ } } } } }
I found this SO approach. I tried serializing a QObject. It didn't like it at all.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48730166/how-to-save-and-restore-the-content-of-a-listmodel -
Wow!, thank you. There is little to no way i would have worked that lot out. I looked at so many examples, created many examples but my head was starting to hurt and I was getting very muddled.
One more question if you don't mind; I've added a 'quit' button to the UI, but upon 'quitting' the app, any data that has been changed, say a price from 7 to 8, is not updated. . . . What do I need to add to my 'close' button to apply the change?
/* other code */ contentHeight: grid.height + -180 Rectangle { id: close width: 20 height: width color: "red" radius: width/2 x: 10; y: x } Label { text: "X" color: "white" anchors.centerIn: close } MouseArea { anchors.fill: close onClicked: { Qt.quit() } } Grid { id: grid /* etc. . . */
Since you are using TextFields you have to get the onEditingFinished to fire. In order to do that you have to press enter or have the TextField lose focus.
So you could cause another Item to gain focus at the beginning of the onClosing method. I don't know if that is setActiveFocus or another call. Maybe just setting an Item's focus to true might do it.
I made a dummy object and set the focus on it at the start of the onClosing function:
onClosing: { dummyfocus.focus = true if(save){ let tlist = [] for(let idx=0; idx<listmodelsource.model.count; ++idx){ let obj = listmodelsource.model.get(idx) let temp = {name:obj.name, type:obj.type, price:obj.price, image:obj.image} tlist.push(temp) } let stringed = JSON.stringify(tlist) console.log("written", stringed) listmodelsourcedata = stringed } } Item { id: dummyfocus }
This takes focus from any currently being edited objects. Of course a button would probably do this if pressed as well. So it probably would have sorted itself out. But at least you can force it this way.