make blur widget to blur everything under it
General and Desktop
I am trying to make a widget blur effect so it blurs everything under it on the desktop, what I tried is to make opacity 0.4 something less than 1 to show what is under it from other desktop widgets, and then try to use the QGraphicsBlurEffect and add this class to my widget using this code in my widget constructor.setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint); QGraphicsBlurEffect *blur = new QGraphicsBlurEffect; blur->setBlurRadius(250); blur->setBlurHints(QGraphicsBlurEffect::QualityHint); setGraphicsEffect(blur);
but the output not as I wanted, and also it seems I am not on the right direction, so any suggestion, please?
this what it looks like
but what I try to just blur the text under the widget or anything on my desktop.