How to create a QImage or QPixmap from raw pixel data (TGA)
I am working on a school project where we have to develop a game in C++, VIsual Studio. We had to implement a mechanism to read a TGA image into a data structure which works fine. Now I have to display the images on a QLabel, preferably with QPainter. However I can't get the Pixel Data to be read into a QImage or QPixmap.
The pixel data is stored in a vector<char> and seperated from any header data. I have tried using QImage constructors (can't get rid of errors) or converting the vector to QByteArrays but nothing seems to be working as there is never an actual image displayed.I hope someone can point me to a solution which I could use so I can start in actually working with the images and painter. Thank you in advance for any help!
You want the QImage ctor which takes a char* -
@Christian-Ehrlicher First of all, thank you for your help! I'm not sure what values I would put for bytesPerLine, CleanupFunction and *cleanupinfo. Could you help me with that? This is what I have thus far:
QImage myQImage = QImage(pixelData, 32, 32, QImage::Format_ARGB32); -
@Meeuxi said in How to create a QImage or QPixmap from raw pixel data (TGA):
You must know this since you created the raw image data
CleanupFunction and *cleanupinfo.
char* data
need to stay alive until the whole lifetime of the QImage object (as stated in the documentation) you have two optionsa) create a QImage::copy() of the qimage so the bytes are copied
b) make sure to delete the bytes when the image gets destroyed - this is what the cleanup function is for. So pass a function which cleans up your image data.