How do I get MSVC 2019 32-bit or 64 kit working?
I need to compile a specific project which requires MSVC 2019 32-bit or 64 not mingw. Does the free/community versions supports MSVC 2019 32-bit or 64? I tried to get the online installer from the community version but I only could get it with mingw. How do I get MSVC 2019? I've got Visual Studio 2019 installed and development tools but Qt still didn't recognize MSVC 2019 32-bit or 64 in the kits toolset.
Both open source and commercial versions of Qt support MSVC.
VS installer has what is called workloads i.e. .net, desktop C++, UWP, android, azure etc. and I don't remember if that's still the case, but I think C++ was not selected by default. So although you have VS2019 installed you might actually not have C++ compiler installed. Open VS installer and check if you have desktop C++ development workload selected and install that if not.
After that the C++ compiler should show up in your Qt Creator compilers tab and you can set up a Qt kit that uses it.