QML Dynamic width rectangle from content webengine
QML and Qt Quick
Is it possible to dimension the width of a rectangle based on the html content connected to the WebEngine?
in the html content I have a tree menu that at start up is 300px wide then opening the branches of the tree (the items) the items are expanded and the width also reaches 800px .. there is no setting in the rect that is self-sized ?
I've tried implitchWidth but it doesn't seem to workRectangle { id: idRectVerticalMenu implicitHeight: viewEngineVerticalMenu.implicitHeight implicitWidth: viewEngineVerticalMenu.implicitWidth Layout.minimumWidth : 100 Layout.maximumWidth: 600 EngineIndexHtml { id: registeredObjectsChannelVerticalMenu WebChannel.id: "wiseMan" } WebEngineView { id: viewEngineVerticalMenu anchors.fill: parent webChannel: channel } } . . . .