How do I configure QT Creator to find Examples and Tutorials?
I have QT Creator installed from the PCLinuxOS repo and have also installed qtbase5-examples, which installs them in /usr/lib64/qt5/examples/. However, QT Creator still seems to be looking for them in PATH, if I understand the drop-down box correctly. How can I add an alternative path to that box so it can find the correct location? Obviously, I wouldn't want to add the path to the whole system's PATH variable where it could confuse other applications.
If Qt Creator packaged by a distribution does not work it is a problem of that distribution. Write to PSLinuxOS maintainers.
Anyway, you can try linking Qt Creator with an installation. Go to Tools -> Options -> Kits -> Qt Versions -> Link with Qt... and browse to your Qt installation location.
Alternatively, by far the easiest option - use the official Qt installer to get a full package: newest Qt Creator + any Qt version you like, all working together nicely.