How to set a QLabel keep showing above a QTabWidget
Hi I'm trying to keep an image showing above a tabwidget, which means each tab are showing the same qlabel at same position.
pic is like
![fb3e255b-6f96-4dfb-8c99-f31f3841f332-GUFTL4EGJ]}C@5JW)MK}]KC.png]( idea of how to achieve this function, thanks in advance!
I don't see a label above a tabwidget in your screenshot. There is a label on the current tabwidget page though.
I'm trying to make something like this,
keep showing the QLabel(video display label in the bottom of the picutre), even if I change the tab won't make it disappear.
![71f63da4-08ad-4607-ad22-beaa643639fb-(HSI5WW5ODS1N]SFK(T$}Y8.png]( -
Then don't put the label in the tabwidget but below...