QT quick TreeView and TreeViewStyle
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to create a tree view using QT quick controls 1.4. I currently have this result:
I however have problems getting the layout in a decent way. I am using TreeViewStyle with a custom branch delegate which should include an icon. On the image, I used just a green circle to indicate the icon position. I note that the branch delegate is shifted to the left side and partially hidden.
I could fix this by increasing the indentation but that's not what I like. Is there any possible way to specify an offset for the indentation?
style: TreeViewStyle {
alternateBackgroundColor : "lightgray"
branchDelegate: Rectangle {
width: treeview.rowHeight * 2 + treeview.indent;
height: treeview.rowHeight
color: "transparent"CustomBranchDelegate{ id: bd width: parent.height height: parent.height anchors.right: icon.left anchors.top: parent.top expanded: styleData.isExpanded hasChildren: styleData.hasChildren iconheight: 40 color: "transparent" } Rectangle{ id: icon anchors.right : parent.right anchors.top: parent.top radius: height / 2 width: parent.height height: parent.height color: "green" } } rowDelegate : Rectangle{ anchors {left: parent.left; right: parent.right; } color: styleData.alternate ? "transparent" : "lightgray" height: treeview.rowHeight } indentation: treeview.indent