Add Color to Image in Animation (Cross Dissolve Effect)
Hello all,
Currently I am trying to have an effect on one of my images where an image goes from being grayscale to having color when a button is clicked. The desired effect I want to achieve is in this gif below:
Essentially, I want a cross dissolve effectHowever, this is not the case right now, as this is how my app is performing. I especially don't like the way the gray image fades out before the color image fades in. Here it is:
Here is my current code. I tried doing something where I used QLabels, the QPropertyAnimation class, and the QGraphicsOpacityEffect class. label is the gray image, while label_2 is the color image:
Constructor Code:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->label_2->setVisible(false); }
Button Method:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { QGraphicsOpacityEffect *eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); ui->label->setGraphicsEffect(eff); QPropertyAnimation *a = new QPropertyAnimation(eff,"opacity"); a->setDuration(4000); a->setStartValue(1); a->setEndValue(0); a->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBack); a->start(QPropertyAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); connect(a,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(hideLogo())); QGraphicsOpacityEffect *eff2 = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); ui->label_2->setGraphicsEffect(eff2); QPropertyAnimation *a2 = new QPropertyAnimation(eff2,"opacity"); a2->setDuration(2000); a2->setStartValue(0); a2->setEndValue(1); a2->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InBack); ui->label_2->setVisible(true); a2->start(QPropertyAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); }
hideLogo slot:
void MainWindow::hideLogo(){ ui->label->hide(); }
If someone could point me to how to better perform a cross dissolve effect (something like what is shown in the first gif), I would be very grateful.
Note: I am not affiliated with the Boston Celtics in any way; I just typically use their logo for testing purposes.
try these easing curves to see if they help. -
@WesLow said in Add Color to Image in Animation (Cross Dissolve Effect):
QGraphicsOpacityEffect *eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); ui->label->setGraphicsEffect(eff); QPropertyAnimation *a = new QPropertyAnimation(eff,"opacity"); a->setDuration(4000); a->setStartValue(1); a->setEndValue(0); a->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBack); a->start(QPropertyAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); connect(a,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(hideLogo()));
QGraphicsOpacityEffect *eff = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(this); ui->label->setGraphicsEffect(eff); QPropertyAnimation *a = new QPropertyAnimation(eff,"opacity"); a->setDuration(4000); a->setStartValue(1); a->setEndValue(0); a->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutBack); a->start(QPropertyAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); connect(a,SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(hideLogo())); one QPropertyAnimation * a is enough. You can toggle start and end values a->setStartValue(0); a->setEndValue(1);
Can you try to raise duration to see if there is any difference.
try these easing curves to see if they help.