Configuration issue with Webassembly
Qt for WebAssembly
I am running Zorin OS in my Virtual Machine using Qmeu Virtual Manager.
girish@girish-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Zorin
Description: Zorin OS 16
Release: 16
Codename: focal
girish@girish-Standard-PC-i440FX-PIIX-1996:~$I am following this link :, I am not able to set the Web browser value, it is not showing any web browser, while I have firefox installed. I don't know how to run an app in web browser using http://someurl.
I just want to learn how do I run a Qt app in web browser.
@GirishSharma Any update Please?