Static Build Using Plugins Problem
I'm trying to build against a static qt build but get the error:
main.obj:-1: error: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class QObject * __cdecl qt_plugin_instance_qjpeg(void)" (?qt_plugin_instance_qjpeg@@YAPAVQObject@@XZ) referenced in function "public: __thiscall StaticqjpegPluginInstance::StaticqjpegPluginInstance(void)" (??0StaticqjpegPluginInstance@@QAE@XZ)
My .pro file has:
CONFIG += static
static {
QTPLUGIN += qjpeg
@My main has:
#include <QtPlugin>
@qjpeg4.lib in plugins/imageformats is being linked against because if I change the name, I get a link error.
Qt 4.8.0 was configured with: configure -static -shared -qt-libjpeg
I'm using QtCreator and msvc2008.
I see this problem mentioned a few times in the forum, but I've checked everything that I know of. Any Ideas?
[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]
I did a dumpbin /EXPORTS on qjpeg4.lib and the only symbols are:
_qt_plugin_query_verification_dataSo, I don't see how the linker will find qt_plugin_instance_qjpeg.
Any ideas?