How to connect to a device via on bluetooth by using QML?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all,
I am trying to connect to a device via on bluetooth and want to get data stream coming from the device.
I implemented this simple scanner example of Qt. This example is very good at to detect the devices around, and it also detected my target device.
Now I want to connect to this target device and read the data stream which it is publishing. If possible, I want to achieve this by using only Qml, dont wanna pass on C++ side. Is there an example you can suggest me as a first step, or any code snippet I can add into my code I shared below ?
Thanks all.
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtBluetooth 5.2 Item { id: top property BluetoothService currentService width: 500 BluetoothDiscoveryModel { id: btModel running: true discoveryMode: BluetoothDiscoveryModel.DeviceDiscovery onDiscoveryModeChanged: console.log("Discovery mode: " + discoveryMode) onServiceDiscovered: console.log("Found new service " + service.deviceAddress + " " + service.deviceName + " " + service.serviceName); onDeviceDiscovered: console.log("New device: " + device) onErrorChanged: { switch (btModel.error) { case BluetoothDiscoveryModel.PoweredOffError: console.log("Error: Bluetooth device not turned on"); break; case BluetoothDiscoveryModel.InputOutputError: console.log("Error: Bluetooth I/O Error"); break; case BluetoothDiscoveryModel.InvalidBluetoothAdapterError: console.log("Error: Invalid Bluetooth Adapter Error"); break; case BluetoothDiscoveryModel.NoError: break; default: console.log("Error: Unknown Error"); break; } } } Rectangle { id: busy width: top.width * 0.7; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; height: text.height*1.2; radius: 5 color: "#1c56f3" visible: btModel.running Text { id: text text: "Scanning" font.bold: true font.pointSize: 20 anchors.centerIn: parent } SequentialAnimation on color { id: busyThrobber ColorAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutSine; from: "#1c56f3"; to: "white"; duration: 1000; } ColorAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutSine; to: "#1c56f3"; from: "white"; duration: 1000 } loops: Animation.Infinite } } ListView { id: mainList width: top.width busy.bottom anchors.bottom: anchors.bottomMargin: 10 anchors.topMargin: 10 clip: true model: btModel delegate: Rectangle { id: btDelegate width: 500 height: column.height + 10 property bool expended: false; clip: true Image { id: bticon source: "qrc:/default.png"; width: bttext.height; height: bttext.height; anchors.left: parent.left anchors.margins: 5 } Column { id: column anchors.left: bticon.right anchors.leftMargin: 5 Text { id: bttext text: deviceName ? deviceName : name "FreeSerif" font.pointSize: 16 } Text { id: details function get_details(s) { if (btModel.discoveryMode == BluetoothDiscoveryModel.DeviceDiscovery) { //We are doing a device discovery var str = "Address: " + remoteAddress; return str; } else { var str = "Address: " + s.deviceAddress if (s.serviceName) { str += "<br>Service: " + s.serviceName; } if (s.serviceDescription) { str += "<br>Description: " + s.serviceDescription; } if (s.serviceProtocol) { str += "<br>Protocol: " + s.serviceProtocol; } return str; } } visible: opacity !== 0 opacity: btDelegate.expended ? 1 : 0.0 text: get_details(service) "FreeSerif" font.pointSize: 14 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 200} } } } Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 200} } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { btDelegate.expended = !btDelegate.expended } } } focus: true } Row { id: buttonGroup property var activeButton: devButton anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.bottomMargin: 5 spacing: 10 Button { id: fdButton width: top.width/3*0.9 //mdButton has longest text height: mdButton.height text: "Full Discovery" onClicked: btModel.discoveryMode = BluetoothDiscoveryModel.FullServiceDiscovery } Button { id: mdButton width: top.width/3*0.9 text: "Minimal Discovery" onClicked: btModel.discoveryMode = BluetoothDiscoveryModel.MinimalServiceDiscovery } Button { id: devButton width: top.width/3*0.9 //mdButton has longest text height: mdButton.height text: "Device Discovery" onClicked: btModel.discoveryMode = BluetoothDiscoveryModel.DeviceDiscovery } } }