How can I turn off code highlighting?
By many reason I almost always turn off the highlighting of code in the QtQreator. In previous versions I just turn off plugin CppEditor.
Currently I try last version from git-repository, and there is not the CppEditor plugin in this version. Now it is probably merged with the CppTools, but if I try turn off it then many other things stop working.
Can anyone tell me how this can be done with simple actions?
You can try by clearing highlighter definitions. Go to Options->Text Editor->Generic Highlighter. It will show you the path where definitions are stored. Go to that location and remove them. Or add .cpp extension to the blocking list.
- The path with "User Highlight Definition Files" have no files.
- When I tried to change the "Ignored File Templates", a save error occurs. Some kind of bug with saving.
When I tried store \A(?:[^/]*.cpp)\z after close and open window options it became \A([^/]:[^
Before storing:
After close and open again: in both versions, from git and from installer. OS: Ubuntu 20.04
No idea then. I guess C++ highlighting is such a basic function of IDE it can't be turned off. If it was possible in the past it was probably by accident.
It also was spoiled to \\A\([^/]:[^\\When I opened the first time it was like this:
and I done new one in the same way.For Windows version, saving of "Ignored File Templates" also doesn't work.
And this option doesn't work for highlighting in any case, because it for some "generic highlighter" and not used for case editing cpp files.