How to detect and install prerequisite(s) using QT installer?
I need to install my application which has pre-requisites like vc runtime, postgresql. If that is not present, QT installer framework should install the pre-requisites. Can anyone share a sample script for this ?
@codeNinja95 I use Inno setup to install Qt.
@piervalli Thanks for the reply. I have to install my custom application using QT installer framework. My application has pre-requsities like vc runtime and postgresql. So, before installing my application, I want vc runtime and postgresql to be be installed by QT installer framework if it is already not there. Is it possible to do this with QT installer framework instead of inno setup ? If so, Kindly provide a sample script for this.
@codeNinja95 Sorry but with QT installer framework I never found as to install vc runtime. But if you use the last installer of Postgresql it installs vc runtime.