[SOLVED]Qt Linguist easy?
When I have made my forms and buttons etc etc with the Creator IDE and have the optional Translatable = true.
I think that I don't need to do like this myButton(tr(caption)) but when I have done the lUpdate with my translate files and
my main looks like this@ QString locale = QLocale::system().name();
QTranslator translator; //translator.load(QString("magic2_") + locale + (".ts")); translator.load(QString("magic2_sv.ts")); app.installTranslator(&translator);
Nothing happens.
Is there something I have missed.
I know that the file exists because I have translate the captions in the Qt Linguist tool.In the tr-file it looks like this
<location filename="start.ui" line="1822"/>
<source>Mains - Limits</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Nät - Gränsvärden</translation>
@pls help
You application should load QM files, not TS files. Run lrelease tool, or in Qt Linguist, select File -> Release. Then, load resulting QM file in your app.