Proper access of buttons from ButtonGroup?
QML and Qt Quick
in an application I create buttons and assign them to a ButtonGroup dynamically.In the ButtonGroup I would like use and modify properties of the button clicked.
This works in the following MWE.However, the usage of "button.text" throws the message:
Parameter "button" is not declared. Injection of parameters into signal handlers is deprecated. Use JavaScript functions with formal parameters instead.What is the proper way to fix this?
import QtQuick 6 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 6 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 ApplicationWindow { id: window width: 450 height: 300 visible: true ButtonGroup { id:btnGroup onClicked: { console.log("clicked:", button.text) //Throws message } } GridLayout { columns: 2 anchors.fill: parent // DUMMY BUTTONS, IN REALITY DYNAMICALLY CREATED Custom_btn { text: qsTr("Dummy1") btnGroup } Custom_btn { text: qsTr("Dummy2") btnGroup } } }