Text not in the center of TextField, when creating a rounded TextField
Iam using the following code to create a rounded TextField
TextField { id: usernameTextField placeholderText: qsTr("username") width: 250 height: 40 anchors { top: parent.top topMargin: giveDetailsLabel.anchors.topMargin + 36 horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter horizontalCenterOffset: 0 } background: Rectangle { radius: 20 border.color: "#C9C9C9" border.width: 1 } verticalAlignment: TextField.AlignVCenter font.pixelSize: 16 font.weight: Font.Normal font.family: "Open Sans" leftPadding: 10 }
The problem with the following code, the text is not in the center it's shifted up for some reason and I try many different ways to put it in the center but never.
also, it looks very ugly when it deployed on Android
another question is I have the same exactly textfield but i used
echoMode: TextField.Password
to make the password, the password dots are so big, I try to decrease the font but the text also decrease before it convert to dot, so how to decrease the dot only without decrease the text size so user see what they are writting in big font before the character converts, here how it looks on Android
and also again the text shifted up and for dots for character and never center inside the text
I am not seeing any issue in your code .By default the vertical alignment in TextField is center only. Without this statement "verticalAlignment: TextField.AlignVCenter", it should work .
Did you check the same code output in Windows ?
Just make sure whether it is a problem with platform. -
yes I tested so far on Windows, Mac, IOS, Android, they all give the same you see them all shifted up like this, is that the normal look? what you think? also any idea about decrease the size of the password character the dot characters? as they look very bad on mobile phones very big in size.
I tested with QT 5.15 and it worked good, the issues seems with Qt 6.2, anyway when I tried the
or Material it cause this issue, on old versions of QT, but on QT 6.2 it seems no matter what I does it still the same, you can change the style to Material or Universal you will get the same issue.
I was only able to reproduce the problem when using the theme material in conjunction with Qt6. When QT5 is used or the theme material is not used the problem does not happen.
You can check the bug report system to see if there's something related with. Maybe you can open a new ticket providing a description and a minimal script reproducing the issue.
I had already found other bugs before related to the theme material.