Record Audio in Qt6
// RECORD QMediaCaptureSession* session = new QMediaCaptureSession(); QAudioInput* audioInput = new QAudioInput(); QMediaRecorder* recorder = new QMediaRecorder(); session->setAudioInput(audioInput); session->setRecorder(recorder); recorder->setMediaFormat(QMediaFormat::Wave); recorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile("test")); recorder->setAudioSampleRate(48000); recorder->setAudioChannelCount(1); recorder->record(); connect(recorder, QOverload<QMediaRecorder::Error>::of(&QMediaRecorder::error), [=](QMediaRecorder::Error error){ /* ... */ }); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), recorder, SLOT(stop())); timer->start(3500);
ERROR: 1.) Does not Record any audio but the file is created (macos ARM64)
ERROR: 2.)/Users/christoph/Documents/DEVELOPMENT/Impulse-Response-Extractor/IRExtractor/irextractor.cpp:44: Fehler: no matching function for call to 'of'
../IRExtractor/irextractor.cpp:44:23: error: no matching function for call to 'of'
connect(recorder, QOverloadQMediaRecorder::Error::of(&QMediaRecorder::error),
^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/Volumes/Externe-SSD/Development/Qt/6.2.0/macos/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers/qglobal.h:1345:27: note: candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction
static constexpr auto of(R (T::*ptr)(Args...) const) noexcept -> decltype(ptr)
^ -
@QtAndrew Since you're on Qt6 you should use
And don't forget to print the error in the slot you connect to this signal. -
@QtAndrew said in Record Audio in Qt6:
why does this code sniplet stand on 6.2 QMediaRecorder ?
It does not. This code snippet is in Qt5 documentation, not in Qt6. I noticed from your compile log that you're using Qt6.2 and provided you the link to Qt6 documentation.
Don't know what is unclear in the documentation... -
@QtAndrew said in Record Audio in Qt6:
I think i change the platorform.
Please do so. Maybe you find a toolkit where the version is automatically guessed by your browser when you search for help.
I tried:
1.) Threads
2.) Timers
3.) start the recording and connect the stop() to the player end of media success...
void IRExtractor::on_sweepButton_clicked() { // PLAY MyThread* t = new MyThread(); t->start(); // RECORD QMediaCaptureSession* session = new QMediaCaptureSession(); QAudioInput* audioInput = new QAudioInput(); QMediaRecorder* recorder = new QMediaRecorder(); session->setAudioInput(audioInput); session->setRecorder(recorder); recorder->setMediaFormat(QMediaFormat::Wave); recorder->setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile("test")); recorder->setAudioSampleRate(48000); recorder->setAudioChannelCount(1); recorder->record(); QThread::msleep(3250); recorder->stop(); } void MyThread::run() { QMediaPlayer* player = new QMediaPlayer(); QAudioOutput* audioOutput = new QAudioOutput; audioOutput->setVolume(0.1); player->setAudioOutput(audioOutput); player->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/res/sweep.wav")); player->play(); }
This version didn't play the audio.
The Project is now on GitHub:
changed to matlab -->