Selection between Qtreeview and Qtree widget
i want to develop an application which reads a file and populate a tree when i click tree item /object it should show the content from that i proceed on processing the messages and plotting the charts etc
now i am confused with which one to choose between treeview and tree widget
on what basis i should make my decision. -
QTreeWidget is a convenience wrapper around QTreeView. By using a pre-defined tree model, it provides very easy access at the cost of flexibility. Nevertheless, QTreeWidget provides columns, icons, you can place other widgets (buttons, labels, …) into a tree item and it is fully drag and drop enabled. If you do not worry about a tree model specific to your application and this is your first time using a tree: Go for QTreeWidget. If you want to make it sophisticated and you are ready to spend a little time investigating the possibilities of a tree model, go for QTreeView.
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