Load Image From Device
Hi, I want to load photos dynamically from my device (local) to the user interface using JS functions or QML's own features. I opened a post about it before, but I guess no one responded because it was too long or because I explained it complicated. I would be glad if you could help me with this.
If you know the directory of photos, you can use Qt.resolved(..) api, convert the directory to url format. Now you should be able to display them.
@dheerendra Yes I know the directory. I've never used it before, I'll try it now. Thanks for the suggestion. I hope I can make it.
@dheerendra I think I need to add "source: " property in Image.
Yes. source property should be set with images you are trying to display.
@dheerendra The user may want to upload a different photo from the directory each time. Will it work in this case?
Unfortunately, the method you suggested does not work :( I don't want a single photo to be uploaded from local. User should be able to enter the local folder and select the photo wants from it. -
From the directory you should read the filenames, build the model & then show them in your app.