Compiling Qt 5 without X11 nor Wayland
I'm trying to build Qt 5 on an embedded linux system which does not have X11 nor Wayland. It has OpenGL ES 2.0 and EGL and I was hoping to use the eglfs platform. However, when I try to run configure I get notified that I have neither xcb nor wayland and that I may disable both but it will disable graphics. So.... how can I use Qt 5 with OpenGL ES 2.0 + EGL using eglfs?
Thanks, and hope it's not a repeat question... (I did search :-))
I've never done it myself, but I'm sure it's possible. Maybe check out the code for lighthouse-android at: Sorry I can't be of more help.
I have a question which might apply to this thread. I am trying to configure Qt5.3.2 to enable egl, eglfs, but have all X11 parts disabled.
However, for an linux open-embedded arm device, the EGL-X11 auto-detection ... () is enabling EGL-X11, but I do not want this enabled.
Do you know how do disable EGL-X11 as a configuration option?
My Summary:
@Build options:
Configuration .......... alsa audio-backend c++11 clock-gettime clock-monotonic compile_examples concurrent cross_compile dbus egl egl_x11 eglfs evdev eventfd freetype full-config getaddrinfo getifaddrs glib iconv inotify ipv6ifname large-config largefile libudev linuxfb medium-config minimal-config mremap nis no-harfbuzz opengl opengles2 openssl-linked pcre png posix_fallocate qpa qpa reduce_exports release shared silent small-config system-jpeg system-png system-zlib xlib
Build parts ............ tools libs
Mode ................... release
Using C++11 ............ yes
Using PCH .............. no
Target compiler supports:
iWMMXt/Neon .......... no/autoQt modules and options:
Qt D-Bus ............... yes (loading dbus-1 at runtime)
Qt Concurrent .......... yes
Qt GUI ................. yes
Qt Widgets ............. yes
Large File ............. yes
QML debugging .......... yes
Use system proxies ..... noSupport enabled for:
Accessibility .......... no
ALSA ................... yes
CUPS ................... no
Evdev .................. yes
FontConfig ............. no
FreeType ............... yes (bundled copy)
Glib ................... yes
GTK theme .............. no
HarfBuzz ............... no
Iconv .................. yes
ICU .................... no
Image formats:
GIF .................. yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
JPEG ................. yes (plugin, using system library)
PNG .................. yes (in QtGui, using system library)
journald ............... no
mtdev .................. no
getaddrinfo .......... yes
getifaddrs ........... yes
IPv6 ifname .......... yes
OpenSSL .............. yes (linked to the libraries)
NIS .................... yes
OpenGL / OpenVG:
EGL .................. yes
OpenGL ............... yes (OpenGL ES 2.x)
OpenVG ............... no
PCRE ................... yes (bundled copy)
pkg-config ............. yes
PulseAudio ............. no
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............. no
EGLFS ................ yes
KMS .................. no
LinuxFB .............. yes
XCB .................. no
Session management ..... no
SQL drivers:
DB2 .................. no
InterBase ............ no
MySQL ................ no
OCI .................. no
ODBC ................. no
PostgreSQL ........... no
SQLite 2 ............. no
SQLite ............... yes (plugin, using bundled copy)
TDS .................. no
udev ................... yes
xkbcommon .............. no
zlib ................... yes (system library)@My configuration statement:
@ ${S}/configure -v
-opensource -confirm-license
-datadir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_DATA}
-archdatadir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_ARCHDATA}
-qmldir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_QML}
-testsdir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_TESTS}
-examplesdir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_EXAMPLES}
-hostbindir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_HOST_BINS}
-hostdatadir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_HOST_DATA}
-external-hostbindir ${OE_QMAKE_PATH_EXTERNAL_HOST_BINS}
-platform ${TOPDIR}/out/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/lib/qt5/mkspecs/linux-g++
-xplatform linux-oe-g++
-shared \
-silent \
-no-pch \
-no-rpath \
-pkg-config \
-nomake tests
-nomake examples
-opengl es2
-qpa eglfs
-make tools \
-make libs
-no-sql-ibase \
-release @Thanks.