Codes problem. Qml and Javascript
hi everyone im having a problem here you see my game.qml has this property
@ id:scene
width:360;height:640property int score: 0 property int highScore:0 property bool ready: false property bool paused: true property int level:0 property int answered: 0 signal clicked(); signal levelLoaded();@
it has a property level which is equal to 0
and on my js file... i have this code
@var answer;
var question;//script for query
var r = scene.level
if(r == 0){
first= Math.floor(Math.random()*19+1);
second= Math.floor(Math.random()*19+1);
i want to use the property of my game.qml as a basis for the conditions on the if-else statements
but everytime i do this. it always return this error/bug "scene[null] is not an object";
anyone knows this?
We lack some info here. How did you include the JS file? Is the JS a library? Is the code you provided inside a function?