Whats the QT way of creating this UI element?
I'm trying to create the below UI element in QT (C++, QML, Quick Widgets 2) for desktops. Whats the QT way of creating this widget? For example, should I just cut the image up into sections or should I graphically recreate it using boxes and lines? If I use images will the UI be scalable and look correct across different screen dimensions?
I'm looking for the correct/industry standard way that others create this UI using QT.
Here's the image of the UI element: https://imgur.com/a/PgWzpxL
Depending on how it needs to scale, BorderImage might work. Other options include using an Image with an SVG source, a Canvas, implementing a C++ QQuickItem using the scene graph, etc. There is no one true Qt way, but rather a range of options that are better or worse suited to different requirements.