How to idetify the error source when "The program has unexpectedly finished." ?
This has probably been asked before.
The attached app output does not tell much. Actually the "time stamp " seems pretty superficial "bells and whistles".
Most of the output is due to extensive usage of "debug".I have a nasty bug in my system and it periodically adds stuff at random, so I really cannot go to "lass changes made ".
( I just added tool tip in QDesiger and copy of it ended up in source code ! Found it!)I am simply "stepping thru " break points, but that is pretty tedious.
Can compiler / linker be optioned to provide more info , at least getting into a ball-park of the error ?
TRACE TASK : DISABLE_DEBUG CONSTRUCTOR (?) File : /media/qe/RAID_CAT_MD0/QT_PROGRAMS/JULY 16 WORKCOPY 1/CAT/mdi/tabwidget_chat.cpp Function : on_scan_clicked @line : 270 step : 1 category_chat_debug: Q_FUNC_INFO Chat::Chat(QWidget*) TEST debug message @ line 97 category_chat_debug: Q_FUNC_INFO Chat::Chat(QWidget*) Setup for upstream communication @ line 104 category_chat_debug: Q_FUNC_INFO Chat::Chat(QWidget*) Upstream OK do connncet @ line 108 Chat::Chat(QWidget*) @ line 126 09:08:23: The program has unexpectedly finished. 09:08:23: The process was ended forcefully. 09:08:23: /media/qe/TSET_QT_LABEL/QT_PROGRAMS/JUNE 6 WORKCOPY 1/CAT/build-mdi-Desktop_Qt_6_2_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/mdi crashed.
-Can compiler / linker be optioned to provide more info , at least getting into a ball-park of the error ?
The call stack panel in Creator shows all the last stuff it was doing. That often gives a hint
on what it did before the crash.
- I am simply "stepping thru " break points, but that is pretty tedious.
Yes its boring. but sometimes needed to find the exact spot for the crash.
- I am simply "stepping thru " break points, but that is pretty tedious.