Qt application and Multithreading error.
Hi, I am working multi-thread. I have a function called initThread(),
where I am initializing the thread and then I have a thread function
where I have the logic I want to perform in that thread. Then,
I pass it to another function. The thing
is the thread is starting twice on the second click and thrice on the third click and it gets increases as such.I will provide a sample code here, Please go through it.
//someClass.cpp someClass::someClass(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { initThread(); } void someClass::initThread() { sampleThread = new QThread(this); connect(sampleThread &QThread::finished, this, [](){ qDebug() << "sampleThread is finished"; }); } void someClass::callSampleThreadFunction() { sampleThreadFunction(); } void someClass::sampleThreadFunction() { connect(sampleThread &QThread::started, this, [](){ qDebug() << "sampleThread is started"; }); connect(sampleThread &QThread::started, this, [](){ // My logic here sampleThread->exit(); }); connect(sampleThread, &QThread::finished, this, &QThread::deleteLater); sampleThread->start(); }
// MainWindow.cpp MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) , ui(new Ui::MainWindow) , class(new someClass) { } void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked() { class->callSampleThreadFunction(); }
And I get output like this...
// Output sampleThread is started sampleThread is finished sampleThread is started sampleThread is started sampleThread is finished sampleThread is started sampleThread is started sampleThread is started sampleThread is finished
Why I am getting like this, Am I went wrong anywhere?. Thanks in advance.
@lakshmanGiri said in Qt application and Multithreading error.:
Hi, I am working multi-thread. I have a function called initThread(),
where I am initializing the thread and then I have a thread function
where I have the logic I want to perform in that thread.Then, I have a standard function where I call the thread function. The thing
is the thread is starting twice on the second click and thrice on the third click and it gets increases as such.What is a "thread" function and a "standard" function???
And why do you not simply use
if you want to start a function in another thread?
Take a look at https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtconcurrentrun.html