Cross compile for Jetson Nano for EGLFS EGLDevice On
Installation and Deployment
I was compiling the Qt5.15.1 source code with gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu. I am able to compile the code for Jetson Nano with -../qt-everywhere-src-5.15.1/configure -opengl es2 -device linux-jetson-nano -device-option CROSS_COMPILE=/home/user/qt5jnano/gcc-linaro-7.3.1-2018.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- -sysroot /home/user/qt5jnano/sysroot -prefix /usr/local/qt5jnano -opensource -confirm-license -skip qtscript -skip wayland -skip qtwebengine -skip qtlocation -skip qtimageformats -skip qtlottie -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtcharts -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtgamepad -skip qtmultimedia -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtquick3d -skip qtpurchasing -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtspeech -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtsvg -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebview -skip qtwinextras -skip qtx11extras -skip qtxmlpatterns -skip qtmacextras -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtserialport -dbus-linked -dbus-runtime -force-debug-info -nomake examples -make libs -pkg-config -no-use-gold-linker -v
And config output is -
Qt Gui: ... EGL .................................... yes OpenVG ................................. no OpenGL: Desktop OpenGL ....................... no OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ yes OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ yes OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ yes OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ yes Vulkan ................................. no Session Management ..................... yes Features used by QPA backends: evdev .................................. yes libinput ............................... yes INTEGRITY HID .......................... no mtdev .................................. yes tslib .................................. no xkbcommon .............................. yes X11 specific: XLib ................................. yes XCB Xlib ............................. yes EGL on X11 ........................... yes xkbcommon-x11 ........................ yes QPA backends: DirectFB ............................... no EGLFS .................................. yes EGLFS details: EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no EGLFS RCAR ........................... no EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... no <--- EGLFS GBM ............................ no EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no EGLFS Mali ........................... no EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no EGLFS X11 ............................ yes LinuxFB ................................ yes VNC .................................... yes XCB: Using system-provided xcb-xinput ..... yes Native painting (experimental) ....... no GL integrations: GLX Plugin ......................... no EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... yes
This build is working on Nano with XCB window.
If trying to run on EGLFS, error is-qt.qpa.egldeviceintegration: Failed to load EGL device integration "eglfs_kms_egldevice"
How to enable the
option with config?
Can you provide any clues ?
Thanks in advance!