"QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment" In "repeated" ChartView
QML and Qt Quick
I am getting following warnings in my code:
QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete attachment. QOpenGLFramebufferObject: Framebuffer incomplete, missing attachment.
Code seems to be working but I'd like to understand what is happening and where the error comes from. This happens on this section of my qml code:
StackLayout { id: graphsStackLayout Layout.fillHeight:true currentIndex: keysComboBox.currentIndex Repeater { model: liveSignalsModel ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true RowLayout { Label { Layout.preferredWidth: root.topLabelsWidth text: "Channel:" } ComboBox { id: channelsComboBox model: channels } } ChartView { id: chartView Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true antialiasing: true LineSeries { id: line name: key useOpenGL: true axisX: ValueAxis { min: value.xAxisData["start"] max: value.sampleCount * value.xAxisData["dx"] titleText: value.xAxisData["xLabel"] } axisY: ValueAxis { min: 0 max: 250 titleText: "[" + unit + "]" } } HXYModelMapper { id: mapper model: value xRow: 0 yRow: channelsComboBox.currentIndex + 1 series: line } } } } }
liveSignalsModel is a model which contains items of type QAbstractTableModel (an implementation). The error seems to happen only when I have more than one item in my model.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the post