Stop QML animation from c++
I have made a custom component subclassing QDeclarativeItem.
In QML I have for example:@
MyItem {
Behavior on x { NumberAnimation { duration: 1500 } }
}@I would like to stop all the animations without using some binding QML code inside MyItem just because it will be a plugin and I don't want the user to take care of this.
I seen that Behaviour isn't a QDeclarativeItem , it is a QAbstractAnimation if I remember well. So if I parse all childrens of MyItem (in c++), it is not listed and I cant call the stop() function. But maybe I am wrong.
Any idea ?thanks in advance and happy new year :)
Marco -
Maybe adding id to this behaviour would improve things? If no, you can try writing this a bit differently:
MyItem {
NumberAnimation on x { duration: 1500 }
That might work.Both are just guesses, though. In my code, I handle animations with JS.
thank sierdzio for the replay.
My wishes is to call "complete()": for all animations inside c++. In your code example, I found this:
@QObject *item;
foreach (item, children() )
qDebug() << item->metaObject()->className(); @the output is "QDeclarativeNumberAnimation". This is a class derived from QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation.
I would like for example to call:@qobject_cast<QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation*>(item)->complete();@
but QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation is private and I think this could not be achieved without some binds in QML.
What about:
// QML
MyItem {
NumberAnimation on x { alwaysRunToEnd: true; duration: 1500 }
}// C++
item.setProperty("running", QVariant(false));
@Or, try casting to QDeclarativeNumberAnimation - if it exists. I am sure there was some example on how to access animations from C++ in QML documentation, but I can't find it now.
Ah, I've found it. Should help: "LINK":
QDeclarativeNumberAnimation is private also :( , but you gave me some useful reminds that make me try to continue. The "alwaysRunToEnd" makes the animation to terminate but it is animated till it ends, but maybe I can bypass this with something other.
For your consideration I made this "video": : at 48" , when I press "menu 3" and then a sub menu, I would like to terminate all animations in the first one otherwise unwanted behavior should happens if sub menu is open before animations end (ops, maybe I been unclear with this sentence, but video explains :) ).
thanks again
I'll think about it later, currently I'm deep into an algorithm I'm writing any my brain is steaming :)
Just to clarify, though: have you tried using item->setProperty() or item->invokeMethod() without casting? I think it should work, but - as I've mentioned - my cognitive powers are diminished at the moment :)