Find & Advanced Find / Replace
My current "Find" works like this:
1.We move the QPlainTextEdit cursor to the Start.
2.We do a while() loop by doing plainTextEdit->find(myTextToFind);
3.If it's found, for now we just do qDebug() << "Found";It works pretty fine. But now i saw that something similar can be done with QTextBlock, but it works different of what i see. Since i can't do while() loop by doing myBlock->document()->find(myTextToFind) since it's a QTextCursor and i can't pass it to boolean.
So what i want to do is to find text using QTextBlock instead, so i can retrieve line number of the string that you're searching for.
Probably just didn't catch attention of people familiar with that topic. Happens :)
I have no experience in QTextBlock, but instead I can propose something else: why not search using QString? Is it not feasible with QTextBlock? QString is pretty good when it comes to searching.
QTextBlock myBlock;
QPlainTextEdit *myEdit = new QPlainTextEdit();
int index = 0;
while(index < myEdit->document()->lineCount()) {
myBlock = myEdit->document()->findBlockByLineNumber(index);
if(myBlock.text().contains("#include")) {
qDebug() << "FOUND!";} index++; }@
I've got to that, though works fine. Hope it helps anyone ^^