HOW to instruct "maintenance tool " to install QT to a specific folder ?
HOW to instruct "maintenance tool " to install QT to a specific folder ?
Please answer the above FIRST, before reading this post.
( I have to load "maintenance tool " first so I cannot post a picture )I am fed up with random and multiple failures of Qt and ready to start from scratch.
I did not read today’s replies to my post, so I apologize if this post is out of synch.( I leave it up to the reader to have fun and find some info in my recent posts. I do not see any point of repeating the list here.)
Here is a start of plan “A”, to be continued depending on forum constructive response.
- Create new . clean disk partition , format and mount it . Name “QT_Install” DONE
- Make a concentrated effort to run “Maintenance tool “ - to be seen…
- Select “Uninstall” option and hope it will actually uninstall current version of QtCreator in a reasonable time and NOT “maintenance tool” !
- Verify absence of “qtcreator” using terminal or OS.
rerun “Maintenance tool” and for a change install the iwhatever “Maintenance tool ‘ thinks is the latest QTCREATOR.
I would appreciate comments / opinions and will add more AFTER I get the "maintenance tool " running and the above question answered.
OK, I got "on line installer" running .
BUT I really want to do uninstall FIRTS.I got this far
home free ??
I am stubborn - still like to uninstall,
BUT I can select "default" and "directory"so 6 or 5.15?
5.15 for now , maybe 6 later ??e free ?
..and they are off and running...
Question I selected 5.15 - why archiving 4.15 ???
...paperwork first looking good
it did not take that long NOW reboot and watch for smoke...ADDENDUM #5
With little luck I can run "Maintenance tool" from "File manger " .
I can also run "Designer" from "File manger " .
No luck running NEW install QtCreator!-
Clicking QtCreator Desktop icon does absolutely nothing!
Yes, I have rebooted and my OS does not know anything about NEW install. -
Running "qtcreator" from terminal brings up the OLD 5.15 and in the process
flashed something abut "cannot update... " too fast to read it all.
PLEASE tell me
HOW to run NEW QtCreator from terminal or file managerI am not sure where is the problem , not able to run NEW installation , but my new OS 21.04 is a primary suspect.
ADDENDUM # (I lost count...)
I found a nice "download log" and here it was - run command .... AND
yet another error
t@qt-desktop:~$ /home/qt/QT_15.5/Tools/QtCreator/bin/qtcreator
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.Cannot update Qt version information: /home/qt/Qt/5.15.2/gcc_64/bin/qmake cannot be run.
ConnectionServer error: "QLocalSocket: Remote closed" "/tmp/QtCreator-yUBwNe/ClangBackEnd-19624"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
qt@qt-desktop:~$I am starting my stamp collection...
basket weaving is next option -
@AnneRanch said in HOW to instruct "maintenance tool " to install QT to a specific folder ?:
Question I selected 5.15 - why archiving 4.15 ???
Please read the whole output - it is downloading the archive 7z file with component QtCreator version 4.15 not Qt version 4.15.
QtCreator version != Qt version.
You can check yourself by opening "about" dialog in QtCreator - mine says, for example, "QtCreator 4.15 based on Qt 5.15.2"
OK, back to the original "problem"
HOW do I convince NEW install to stop attempting to update the old one?
Can I JUST delete the old version using file manager ?