Dynamic PropertyGrid with QML and C++
I have something like PropertyGrid defined in QML (using GridView element).
I can add my elements (PGRow, which is a row with two rectangles with labels). I'm doing it using ListModel:@
GridView {
delegate: rowDelegate
model: pgModel
}ListModel{ id: pgModel objectName: "pgModel" ListElement{ caption: "Property 1" value: "12345" } } Component{ id: rowDelegate PGRow{ caption: model.caption value: model.value } }
My problem is: I want to add rows dynamically using C++. How should I do it?
I've read this: "Using QML Bindings in C++ Applications":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qtbinding.html but still have no idea how to get to the pgModel elements from C++.