Increase the size of the box in a form to fit the text
I have created some layouts to display a form, but the size of the linedit box with the
“patient["clinical_department"]” or “patient["surname"])” are too small and the text doesn’t fit.
What can I do?@layout = new QFormLayout;
_layout3 = new QVBoxLayout(this);while(!patients3.isEmpty()) {
QMap<QString,QString> patient = patients3.takeFirst();
if (patient["id"]==itemId) {
QLineEdit *MyLineEdit = new QLineEdit(patient["clinical_department"]);
layout->addRow("Surname", new QLineEdit(patient["surname"]));
}@ -
Hi, I need a little help with my code. I am trying to put scrollbars on my code.
It is a form that i would like to be in a groupbox and the groupbox in a qvboxlayout.@
QVBoxLayout* _layout3;
QFormLayout* layout;QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(this);
QGroupBox *groupBox = new QGroupBox(scrollArea);QWidget *baseArea = new QWidget(); baseArea->setLayout(_layout3); scrollArea->setWidget(baseArea); while(!patients3.isEmpty()) { QMap<QString,QString> patient = patients3.takeFirst(); if (patient["id"]==itemId) { QLineEdit *MyLineEdit = new QLineEdit(patient["id"]); layout->addRow("ID",MyLineEdit); layout->addRow("Surname", new QLineEdit(patient["surname"])); layout->addRow("Name", new QLineEdit(patient["name"])); } groupBox->setLayout(layout); scrollArea->widget()->setLayout(_layout3);