access to qquickframebufferobject renderer instance
QML and Qt Quick
Hi. I trying to openGL integrated QuickItem by using qquickframebufferobject class.
I saw Qt's example and create renderer.
In above page, return renderer like this
... QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer *createRenderer() const { return new FbItemRenderer; } ...
But my opengl renderer has some custom functions.
for example,
void AddModel(std::string modelPath);
so, I should access QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer instance and call AddModel function with path parameter.
How can I get and store renderer instance?
I resolve it!
Hi, i am also following the blog post and trying to do the example he provided. But it seems i can't render anything out. Do you have some snippets of your code that can render something? Such that i can use it as reference