ListView: disable auto selection
QML and Qt Quick
i'm facing a small problem with ListView which is the item auto selection at the start.i created a search bar and when i search for something, it will append items to the listview, it works well but it auto select the first item of the list and i dont want that.
i want that it select only when i click on a specific itemso is there a way to do that?
here is a part of my code:
ListModel { id: lm } Rectangle { width: drawer.width; height: drawer.height Component { id: contactDelegate Item { width: drawer.width; height: 100 Row { Image { width: 80; height: 100; source: posterSource} Text { text: '<b>Title:</b> ' + title } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: lv.currentIndex = index } } } ListView { id: lv anchors.fill: parent model: lm delegate: contactDelegate highlight: Rectangle { color: "#2196f3"; } focus: true onCurrentItemChanged: console.log(lm.get(lv.currentIndex).title + ' selected') } }
Thank you
@mIcHyAmRaNe Have you tried to set
to -1?ListView { id: lv anchors.fill: parent currentIndex:-1 model: lm delegate: contactDelegate highlight: Rectangle { color: "#2196f3"; } focus: true onCurrentItemChanged: console.log(lm.get(lv.currentIndex).title + ' selected') }
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@KroMignon Thank you, it works