How to apply WindowFlags to MdiSubWindow correctly?
Hello to everebody!
I have faced the problem while passing the SubWindow to the MdiArea's addSubWindowMethod. In this case the flags are not working correctly. If to specify the Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint flag then also close button and window icon are shown. Can anybody explain why does it happen? Thanks!Declaration of the SubWindow class:
SubWindow::SubWindow(QWidget* parent): QMdiSubWindow(parent)
@The usage of the SubWindow class:
Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::SubWindow | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint;
log_subWindow = new SubWindow(this);
log_subWindow->setWidget(logWindow);mdiArea->addSubWindow(log_subWindow, flags);
@[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]