Can't change current item in TreeView (v2) by mouse
QML and Qt Quick
I have implemented a simple TreeView (QCC2) which nests several levels. It renders properly, and I can navigate the tree up/down expand/collapse using the keyboard.
But - Mouse clicks will not change the current model index, UNTIL....I click the expand icon on an item with children. After that it works fine. (Or until after I expand an item using the keyboard).
This seems very strange...and I'm tempted to file a bug report, but is there something I'm missing?
I have attached my code below - but not sure it help
Component { id: delegateMenuItem Item { property int itemDepth: TreeView.depth property bool itemHasChildren: TreeView.hasChildren property bool itemIsExpanded: TreeView.isExpanded property var currentModelIndex: mytreeview.currentModelIndex property bool itemIsCurrent: (row === mytreeview.currentIndex.row) && (column === mytreeview.currentIndex.column) implicitWidth: Math.max(paneMenu.width -rectRightItemBackground.width/2,5) implicitHeight: Math.max(rectItemBackground.implicitHeight,5) Rectangle { id: rectRightItemBackground x: rectItemBackground.width -radius/2 anchors { top: bottom: rectItemBackground.bottom } radius: rectItemBackground.height width: radius height: radius color: rectItemBackground.color } Rectangle { id: rectItemBackground x: 0 color: itemIsCurrent ? gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_BackgroundSelected) : (TreeView.isExpanded ? gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_BackgroundPartialSelected) : gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_Background)) anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left; implicitWidth: paneMenu.width -rectRightItemBackground.width/2 implicitHeight: itemHeightByDepth(itemDepth) // Expand icon Text { id: indicator x: itemDepth * 5 color: itemIsCurrent ? gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_TextSelected) : gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_Text) text: itemHasChildren ? (itemIsExpanded ? "▼" : "▶") : "" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter leftPadding: 5 rightPadding: 5 TapHandler { onTapped: { console.log("In tap handler "+itemDepth+" "+name) if (itemHasChildren) mytreeview.toggleExpanded(row) } } } // Top level icons Image { id: itemIcon anchors.left: indicator.right width: itemDepth === 0 ? 20 : 0 height: itemDepth === 0 ? 20 : 0 source: itemDepth !== 0 ? "" : "icons/dark/"+icon+".svg"; // Get icon string anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter visible: itemDepth === 0 } // Recolor the icon to match item ColorOverlay { anchors.fill: itemIcon source: itemIcon color: itemIsCurrent ? gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_TextSelected) : gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_Text) } // Item text Text { anchors.left: itemIcon.right width: rectItemBackground.width verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter height: parent.height id: itemText text: qsTr(name) //+" C:"+currentModelIndex+(itemIsCurrent?"Y":"N")+" S:"+(itemIsSelected?"Y":"N") font.pixelSize: fontSizeByDepth(itemDepth) leftPadding: 10 elide: Text.ElideRight color: itemIsCurrent ? gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_TextSelected) : gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_Text) } // Tezt } // Rectangle } // Item } // Component Rectangle { id: paneMenu anchors.fill: parent color: gui.colorRGBString(GUIConstants.EColorElement_Background) TreeViewTemplate { id: mytreeview anchors.fill: parent model: treemodel delegate: delegateMenuItem currentModelIndex: viewIndex(0,0) currentIndex: viewIndex(0,0) focus: true onCurrentModelIndexChanged: { console.log("In item change"+currentModelIndex); } } }