how to determine active tab in TabBar?
QML and Qt Quick
Hi all -
A view in my app uses a TabBar with three TabButtons:
TabBar { property var tabNames: ["TabOne", "TabTwo", "TabThree"] Repeater { model: tabNames TabButton { id: tabButton text: tabNames[index]
Which produces this lovely display:
The legend at the lower right should only display when the first tab ("Yield") is selected. The original programmer attempted to do this with a property:
Q_PROPERTY(bool viewingTheYield READ ViewingTheYield NOTIFY EventViewingTheYieldChanged) bool PlateNavigation::ViewingTheYield() const { return m_viewingTheYield; }
If the user clicks on one of the other tabs, the legend disappears (as it should). But, if the user then loads a new report, this display returns to the last tab the previous report had selected (which it shouldn't). Somehow I need to control which tab is do I do that? I can't find anything in the docs about it.
Sigh...I love when I find the answer immediately after posting...
TabBar { id: root currentIndex: { if (plateNavViewModel.viewingTheYield) { 0 } else { 2 } }
I know the hard-coding is bad, works.