Any good open-source projects a beginner can contribute to?
I would like to get a job working with Qt, so far I have worked through all the courses in udemy and made some one-off functional GUIs. I believe contributing to open source would boost my skills, any good projects I could contribute to? Thank you!
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Qt itself is a project you can contribute to.
KDE has a lot of projects that range from libraries to application to window management system that you can contribute to and is a friendly community as well. -
QXlsx ( a library to handle excel files in Qt) has great scope for beginners to add value as many functionality missing is straightforward to add and just needs sinking time into it to implement it
If you want something less dry, Cockatrice (A platform to play Magic the Gathering for free) has a list of open tickets that are suitable for newcomers -
A couple that I have toyed with (and contributed literally on the order of just "lines", less than 100 lines of code) to:
(I was able to use both those projects despite not having diving equipment nor drone equipment. There are ways to run the GUI applications without equipment or with test/simulated inputs.)
Others that I have been interested in but never got the time to experiment:
KDE Cantor (echoing what @SGaist said about KDE!)