otherway aroun: how to call qml function from javascript file?
QML and Qt Quick
Hello guys,
im looking for a way to call QML function from inside of JS file, so lets say I have this:
ApplicationWindow { id: mainWindow width: 480 height: 800 title: qsTr("testapp") StackView { id: view anchors.fill: parent initialItem: view_ChoiseOffline } Component { id: view_ChoiseOffline ChoiseOffline {} } }
import 'JavaScript.js' as JS Item { id: parentObject Component.onCompleted: { JS.testFromJS(); } MouseArea { id: mouseAreaID anchors.fill: parent function testFunction() { console.log("test passed"); } onClicked: { testFunction(); } } }
function testFromJS() { console.log("script inside JS works fine"); // this works fine testFunction(); // this gives me error }
obviously caling testFunction() and JS.testFromJS() from QML works fine...
however when I call the testFunction() from JS file gives the error:ReferenceError: testFunction is not defined
i tried several options of calling it, like parentObject.testFunction() or even view.currentItem.testFunction() and view.currentItem.parentObject.testFunction() or view.currentItem.mouseAreaID.testFunction() but nothing works...
Can I ask for advice how to call QML function form JS file?
I just need to keep the function inside the ChoiseOffline.qml file, so moving it out to main.qml is not an option to me.Any help appriciated