how to use JSON from QJsonValue ?
i am sending an url GET request that returns a response into JSON format inside QJsonValue, i can see there is a bunch of data (many records) when outputing with qDebug()The thing is i dont know how to use the data... toString() doesnt convert anything or something like data[rowNumber][fieldName] doesnt print out anything.
void MainWindow::onResult(QNetworkReply *reply){ if(reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError){ QByteArray result = reply->readAll(); //qDebug()<< result; QJsonDocument jsonResponse = QJsonDocument::fromJson(result); QJsonObject obj = jsonResponse.object(); double info1= obj["info1"].toDouble(); QJsonValue info2= obj["info2"]; QJsonValue info3= obj["info3"]; //<== nested json (many records) QJsonValue info4= obj["info4"]; QJsonDocument jd_i3(info3.toObject()); QJsonObject obj_i3 = jd_i3.object(); qDebug()<< obj_i3["info5"]; // data here, many records nested JSON //what to do now ? } else qDebug() << "ERROR"; reply->deleteLater(); }
i would like to get the data into qstring array or something to be able to access them by row number and field name.
Any help would be great.
Thank you
What is the "nested" json you talk about ?
Normally it would be a jsonArray with objects or similar and you would
then use QJsonArray and not QJsonValue. -
in my example
info1, info 2 and info3 return single valueinfo3 returns mutiple records, multiple rows of same kind of data (this what i mean by nested json)
how to get this all data in a usable manner, because in QJasonValue i feel i can do nothing with that.
Is QjasonArray better ? would you kindly show me an example of use ?
I think you are misunderstanding something.QJsonValue
can hold several types of values: simple value likeQJsonValue::String
but also complex value likeQJsonValue::Array
. Read These are all the types representable in a JSON document, there isn't anything else.Look at the QJsonValue::Type QJsonValue::type() const and act accordingly in your code. For example, if your
is a JSON array use QJsonArray QJsonValue::toArray() const to get aQJsonArray
. Or you could use QVariant QJsonValue::toVariant() const to get one of Qt types listed there if you prefer. -
@Xena_o I think you should understand the basics of the JSON format first.
Try looking at this sample which may cover everything you need.
From that sample, notice that:
info1 is a single vale (number)
info2 is a single value (string)
info3 is an array of numbers
info4 is an object (a nested JSON object)
info4.a is a single value (number)
info4.b is a single value (string)
info4.c is an array of numbers
info5 is an array of objects (nested JSON objects)
info5[].x is a single value (number)
info5[].y is a single value (string)
Now check the code for parsing that sample:
void test() { QString sJSONURL, sJSONContent; QNetworkAccessManager namManager; QNetworkRequest nrqJSON; QNetworkReply *nrpJSON; sJSONURL=""; nrqJSON.setUrl(QUrl(sJSONURL)); nrpJSON=namManager.get(nrqJSON); while(!nrpJSON->isFinished()) QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag::ExcludeUserInputEvents); if(QNetworkReply::NetworkError::NoError==nrpJSON->error()) { int iResCode; QString sContentType; iResCode=nrpJSON->attribute(QNetworkRequest::Attribute::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); sContentType=nrpJSON->header(QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders::ContentTypeHeader).toString(); if(200==iResCode) if(0==sContentType.indexOf("application/json")) { sJSONContent=nrpJSON->readAll(); // JSON parsing begins here int iDebug; QList<double> dblDebug; QJsonDocument jsnDoc; QJsonObject jsnObj; QJsonArray jsnArr; QJsonParseError jsnErr; jsnDoc=QJsonDocument::fromJson(sJSONContent.toUtf8(),&jsnErr); if(!jsnDoc.isNull()) { // info1 if(jsnDoc.object().contains("info1")) if(jsnDoc.object().value("info1").isDouble()) qDebug() << "info1" << jsnDoc.object().value("info1").toDouble(); // info2 if(jsnDoc.object().contains("info2")) if(jsnDoc.object().value("info2").isString()) qDebug() << "info2" << jsnDoc.object().value("info2").toString(); // info3 if(jsnDoc.object().contains("info3")) if(jsnDoc.object().value("info3").isArray()) { jsnArr=jsnDoc.object().value("info3").toArray(); dblDebug.clear(); for(auto v:jsnArr) if(v.isDouble()) dblDebug.append(v.toDouble()); qDebug() << "info3" << dblDebug; } // info4 if(jsnDoc.object().contains("info4")) if(jsnDoc.object().value("info4").isObject()) { jsnObj=jsnDoc.object().value("info4").toObject(); if(jsnObj.contains("a")) if(jsnObj.value("a").isDouble()) qDebug() << "info4.a" << jsnObj.value("a").toDouble(); if(jsnObj.contains("b")) if(jsnObj.value("b").isString()) qDebug() << "info4.b" << jsnObj.value("b").toString(); if(jsnObj.contains("c")) if(jsnObj.value("c").isArray()) { jsnArr=jsnObj.value("c").toArray(); dblDebug.clear(); for(auto v:jsnArr) if(v.isDouble()) dblDebug.append(v.toDouble()); qDebug() << "info4.c" << dblDebug; } } // info5 if(jsnDoc.object().contains("info5")) if(jsnDoc.object().value("info5").isArray()) { jsnArr=jsnDoc.object().value("info5").toArray(); iDebug=0; for(auto v:jsnArr) { if(v.isObject()) { jsnObj=v.toObject(); if(jsnObj.contains("x")) if(jsnObj.value("x").isDouble()) qDebug() << QString("info5[%1].x").arg(iDebug) << jsnObj.value("x").toDouble(); if(jsnObj.contains("y")) if(jsnObj.value("y").isString()) qDebug() << QString("info5[%1].y").arg(iDebug) << jsnObj.value("y").toString(); } iDebug++; } } } else qDebug() << "JSON parse failed:" << jsnErr.errorString(); } else qDebug() << "unexpected content type:" << sContentType; else qDebug() << "unexpected response code:" << iResCode; } else qDebug() << "request failed:" << nrpJSON->errorString(); nrpJSON->~QNetworkReply(); }
Hope this helps.