VLD output error
Hello all,
I use Qt to load two images and then call a image processing function. When I use Visual Leak Detector to check my code, the output of the tool is really strange. It indicates the largest number of used storage is GB, and it seems that I didn't call the function findItems() and processedPendingEvents().
Below is the output of VLD and part of my code.
Thx!part of the output of VLD tool: (It seems that function findItems() and processedPendingEvents() use large amount of storage?)
WARNTING: Visual Leak Detector detected memory leaks ! ---- Block 57 at 0x0000000005388730: 16 bytes ---- Leak Hash: 0xD44F8893, Count: 1, Total 16 bytes Call Stack (TID 6752) : ucrtbased. dll!malloc () f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\heap\new_scalar. cpp (19): camera. exe!operator new() + 0xA bytes d:\shx\test\camera\mainwindow. cpp(421): camera. exe!MainWindow: :ShowNV21() + 0xA bytes d:\shx\test\camera\mainwindow. cpp (407): camera. exe !MainWindow: : ShowNV21() d:\shx\test\camera\mainwindow. cpp (59): camera. exe!MainWindow: getfile10() d:\shx\test\camera\debug\moc_mainwindow. cpp (82): camera. exe!MainWindow::qt_static_metacall() + 0xA bytes Qt5Cored. dll!QStateMachinePrivate::processedPendingEvents() + 0x524D4D bytes Qt5Cored. dll!QStatellachinePrivate::processedPendingEvents() + 0x512521 bytes Qt5Widgetsd. dll!QTreeWidget::findItems() + 0x22DE48 bytes Qt5Widgetsd. dll!QTreeWidget::findItems() + 0x23009A bytes Qt5Widgetsd. dll!QTreeWidget::findItems() + 0x22F06A bytes Qt5Widgetsd. dll!QTreeWidget::findItems() + 0x22E637 bytes Qt5Widgetsd. dll!QTreeWidget::findItems() + OxB1015 bytes Largest number used: 60004904 bytes. Total allocations: 90489954 bytes.
part of my code: (I know that I didn't delete scene in ShowNV21(), but after I correct it, the largest number used shown in VLD is still very large)
void MainWindow::getfile10() { QString OpenFile; int Width = 0, Height = 0; OpenFile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "please choose an image file", "", "Image Files(*.nv21 *.bmp);;All(*.*)"); if (OpenFile != "") { char *File_Path = (char *)malloc(OpenFile.toStdString().length()); strcpy(File_Path, OpenFile.toStdString().c_str()); ShowNV21(File_Path, ui->graphicsView_27); GetNV21Size(OpenFile.toStdString().c_str(), &Width, &Height); ui->lineEdit_52->setText(QString::number(Width)); ui->lineEdit_53->setText(QString::number(Height)); imgNum = 2; Img_Info[0].Width = Width; Img_Info[0].Height = Height; Img_Info[0].File_Path = File_Path; } } oid MainWindow::ShowNV21(const char *File_Path, QGraphicsView *graphicsView) { int Width, Height; GetNV21Size(File_Path, &Width, &Height); MainWindow::ShowNV21(File_Path, graphicsView, Width, Height); } void MainWindow::ShowNV21(const char *File_Path, QGraphicsView *graphicsView, unsigned int Width, unsigned int Height) { unsigned char *NV21_Img= (unsigned char *)malloc(Width * Width * 3 / 2); unsigned char *RBG_Img = (unsigned char *)malloc(Width * Height * 3); FILE *Img = fopen(File_Path, "rb"); fread(NV21_Img, Width * Width * 3 / 2, 1, Img); fclose(Img); NV21_T_RGB(Width, Height, NV21_Img, RBG_Img); QImage Original_Imag = QImage(RBG_Img, Width, Height, QImage::Format_RGB888); QImage Scaled_Img = Original_Imag.scaled(graphicsView->width(), graphicsView->height()); QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene; scene->addPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(Scaled_Img)); graphicsView->setScene(scene); graphicsView->show(); free(NV21_Img); free(RBG_Img); }
@Haoxinn said in VLD output error:
C(++) basic - when you allocate something you have to deallocate it later on.
Don't use c constructs in C++ code. It just gives you problems (like e.g. forgetting about the deallocation). -
@Christian-Ehrlicher Thanks for your kindly reply! You mean I should use keywords new and delete to allocate the storage, rather than C function malloc() and free() ?
No, you should use proper container like e.g. std::vector or std::string since the deallocation is done automatically in the dtor of those classes.
@Christian-Ehrlicher Ohhhhh! It works! I replaced all the function malloc() in my code, then the output of VLD went back to a normal value. THANKS A LOT!!!