QStandardItemModel or subclass QAbtractTableModel
I think I'm beginning to "get it" but so far I've missed that "Aha!" moment.
I have an existing class that encapsulates a data item that I want to display as a table row.
class CListBitmap : public CFrameInfo { public : bool m_bRemoved; DWORD m_dwGroupID; GUID m_JobID; bool m_bUseAsStarting; CString m_strType; CString m_strPath; CString m_strFile; bool m_bRegistered; bool m_bChecked; double m_fOverallQuality; double m_fFWHM; double m_dX; double m_dY; double m_fAngle; CSkyBackground m_SkyBackground; bool m_bDeltaComputed; CString m_strCFA; CString m_strSizes; CString m_strDepth; bool m_bCompatible; CBilinearParameters m_Transformation; VOTINGPAIRVECTOR m_vVotedPairs; LONG m_lNrStars; bool m_bComet;
I'm trying to get my head around how I would use this with QStandardItem/QStandardItemModel. Or is this a case where that isn't the right model?
If that's so, I believe I need to sub-class QAbstractTableModel? If so what's the best approach to take? Should I store a vector<CListBitmap> inside the model? Does anyone have some code that does this sort of thing with an existing class they'd be prepared to share?
David -
Well, it depends.
QStandardItemModel works pretty well load and displays the data but
editing is a bit clunky as when data changes, you get an Item * and must take its text
and stuff it back into the right m_xxxx variable.If you make your own model, you would directly return/set the data to your CListBitmap .
look here.
they uses
QList<QStringList> rowList;
but you would just use
vector<CListBitmap>and most of the code would be the same, except the data function should also
return the right m_xxx memeberit does like this now
return rowList[index.row()][index.column()];
but you should map index.column() to a m_xxx variable
A switch case could do it.A custom model is more code but also more flexible in the long run.
It explains the functions here.