[solved]UI Set
I have set some of property for Tab such as the
QGroupBox{border-image:url(:/image.png)} @in the file of qss, but when I add the code
"Tab->setStyleSheet("background-image:url(:/images/back.png)");"@, the background image has been set successfully, but the background of QLabel and QLineEdit in the QGroupBox has been changed.
How do I do to set the background image but not influence the other component?
Thank you.[edit, @ code tags added, please do so in the future to make your post easier to read, Eddy]
Have a look at "this page in the docs":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-syntax.html. It explains how to use stylesheets on specific widgets.
[quote author="Lalita" date="1324974526"]Thank you.
I also want to know relationship about the .qss file and the code in program, whether they have the Priority? [/quote]The general purpose of stylesheets is that you get a general look and feel of all the widgets in your app. Normally you set it in your main function on your QApplication.
Setting a stylesheet in Qt Creator is nice for testing things out though.
Anyway you could test it yourself : eg. use a red color in Qt Creator and a blue one in the qss... ;)