QML plugin using Ahead of Time compiler
I'm facing an issue when trying to compile my QML plugin with QuickCompiler. I have a few QML plugin with reusable component. Up to now I wasn't building the QML and using the qmlcache to build QML at run time. Now I want to use the QuickCompiler in order to build everything on my CI. For that I update my CMake to have:
qtquick_compiler_add_resources(RESOURCES qml.qrc)
And then
add_executable(... ${RESOURCES })
All the compilation work well. I see that all file that should be compiled are compiled correctly. When starting I see that even although I have built all QML I see that the qmlcache is regenerating making me think that the compiled QML is not used at all. I tried to move all QML in the executable (not using QML plugin), in this case it's working correctly (no qmlcache created). But as soon as I try to load QML from a plugin, the qmlcache is generated.
I have the feeling that I miss something when loading the QML plugin. Has anyone already used QuickCompiler in a QML plugin ?
Thank you for your help