Unable to define a list of values shared across multiple QML files using a Singleton
Good Morning to you all,
I'm unable to define a list of values shared across multiple QML files though I can't see where my fault is.
My (attempted) solution is the following :-
I'm defining a Singleton in a file named "EnumMessages.qml" which contains the following code:
pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.5
QtObject {
id: singleton[... snipped elements of the list ...] property int _LNG_MSG_TITLE_SETTINGS : 18 [... snipped elements of the list ...]
I'm trying to use it in a few other files.. Like this file "PageSetings.qml", that contains the following code:
import QtQuick 2.5;
import ".";
AbstractPage {
id: _self;[... snipped some code ...] console.log("_LNG_MSG_TITLE_SETTINGS=", EnumMessages._LNG_MSG_TITLE_SETTINGS ) ;
The console.log above displays the following message :
qml: _LNG_MSG_TITLE_SETTINGS= undefined
Someone could please tell me what I'm getting wrong??
Thanks in advance for your help,
@JL-SABATIER Just to check, did you register the singleton with
? -
to define a singleton with a QML file you also need to provide a qmldir file with a corresponding singleton line (when you import "." like you do in your snippet). For a cusstom import url see thisBut when you are just after defining "static" int values you can also use enums in QML (since Qt 5.10 IIRC)
Thank you very much for your help. That fixed my problems.
I may use enum values instead of that singleton. But I need to share these definitions among all QML pages, and to do so, I guess I'll have to declare this enum on the model side, in C++, where it is not needed ..
@JL-SABATIER said in Unable to define a list of values shared across multiple QML files using a Singleton:
I may use enum values instead of that singleton. But I need to share these definitions among all QML pages, and to do so, I guess I'll have to declare this enum on the model side, in C++,
no, just import the url the QML file with the enum is in