How to change the color of a progressBar, while keep other properties unchanged
Hi, I want to change the color of a progressBar based on its value. Meanwhile I need to keep other properties of the widget unchanged. I applied the following lines to get the color changed. However the width and the border are also changed. Is there any way to keep the original properties and only change the color?
QString myStyleSheet = QString(" QProgressBar::chunk { background: yellow; }");
QString s = ui->progressBar->styleSheet().append(myStyleSheet);
There are two possibilites that come to my mind immediately :
- Use a "gradient": instead of a plain color
- Save the style sheet before appending to it
ui->progressBar->setProperty("defaultStyleSheet", ui->progressBar->styleSheet());
ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(ui->progressBar->property("defaultStyleSheet").toString() +
" QProgressBar::chunk { background: green; }");
ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(ui->progressBar->property("defaultStyleSheet").toString() +
" QProgressBar::chunk { background: yellow; }");
ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(ui->progressBar->property("defaultStyleSheet").toString() +
" QProgressBar::chunk { background: red; }");
Hi Lukas,
Thanks for the response. I tried the styleSheet solution. I does not work for me. The defaultStyleSheet turns out a empty string:
ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(ui->progressBar->property("defaultStyleSheet").toString() +
" QProgressBar::chunk { background: yellow; }");
QString s = ui->progressBar->styleSheet();
qDebug() << s;
@The color changed. The width and border of the bar also changed.
" QProgressBar::chunk { background: yellow; }" -
Hi Andre, I tried @QPalette p = (ui->progressBar->palette());
p.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, Qt::red);
p.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::green);
p.setColor(QPalette::Highlight, Qt::yellow);
ui->progressBar->setPalette(p);@ It did not work.Now I use the original geometry of the bar to keep the original looking except the color. The result is close to what I wanted.
QRect r = ui->progressBar->geometry();QString st = QString ( "QProgressBar::chunk {" "background-color: #ff0000;" "}"); st.append("QProgressBar {" "border: 1px solid grey;" "border-radius: 2px;" "text-align: center;" "background: #eeeeee;" "}"); ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(st); ui->progressBar->setGeometry(r.x(), r.y()+3, r.width(), r.height()-6 );
I develop this application on Mac and Linux. Do you have better method for this matter?