QMake alternative of cmake's “find_package”?
Currently i am using eigen library for one of my project.
In CMake I can simply specifiy like
find_package(Eigen3 CONFIGREQUIREDHINTS${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/eigen/share/eigen3/cmake)
However in Qmake i need to specify like
INCLUDEPATH += ..\dependencies\eigen\include\eigen3\Eigen
By doing like mentioned above in pro file the problem is in my source codes i need to mention like below which are local paths and i dont like to use local paths so that it wont be a problem if i give this code to someone.
#include <C:\Users\aravmadd\Desktop\project_qt\libs\eigen\include\eigen3\Eigen\Dense>
However if i use find_package like CMake, i can just use like #include "Eigen\Dense" in the source codes
Can you please suggest some alternatives so that i can replace that above local include path to simply like #include "Eigen\Dense"
For Example if i mentioned in qmake
INCLUDEPATH += ..\libs\eigen\include\eigen3\Eigen LIBS += -lwsock32 LIBS += -lws2_32 LIBS += -lkernel32 -lkernel32 -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -ladvapi32 -lshell32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32
then i can use eigen library like this in my source codes
However if i use cmake like this
find_package(Eigen3 CONFIGREQUIREDHINTS${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/eigen/share/eigen3/cmake) target_link_libraries(project PRIVATE Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Concurrent wsock32 ws2_32 Eigen3::Eigen)
then i can use eigen functionalites like this in my source code.
@aravmadd said in QMake alternative of cmake's “find_package”?:
INCLUDEPATH += ..\libs\eigen\include\eigen3\Eigen
If you do this:
INCLUDEPATH += ../libs/eigen/include/eigen3
It will allow you to use nice includes:
#include "Eigen/Dense" #include "Eigen/Geometry"
Regarding your main question - there is nothing like
in qmake. That's one of the reasons why Qt is moving away from qmake :-)There is stuff like inclusion of .pri files, or even .prf, but it does not compare to
at all. -
@sierdzio Thanks for the quick reply.
I tried with cmake it is working great, but only problem is when i run the executable and generate all the dlls required using windeployqt.exe then for some reasons along with gui there is one thing like cmd shell is also opening :-(. Instead of trying to find this i thought i will find some alternative for find_package in qmake
What i did was i have a folder called 3rd_Party.It only contains CMakeLists.txt file. And this CMakeList file builds the eigen library and creates one folder libs.And inside libs folder i can find all the required things. So basically now my build procedure is of two steps. First step is to build eigen thing using CMakelists.txt and second step was building qt project using qmake in QtCreator
And you go to all that trouble just because a terminal window is showing up? You should rather fix the root cause of that instead of investing time in workarounds! And it is easy to do:
add_executable(projectName WIN32 main.cpp)
should be enough to stop terminal from showing up.