Using dumpcpp
Hi All,
This being my first post, there might be some error with technical terminologies.
I have been using dumpcpp with dlls(created in visual studio 6 or similar tool) to create .h and .cpp files in the past. But recently i got a class based dll created in visual studio 2008, and when i am trying to use dumpcpp on this dll, its giving error.
So, how can i use that dll in my C++ code being developed in Visual Studio 2005?
F1 F1 F1
Sounds like a tool for reverse engineering. I wonder how many people use this kind of tools. Using this tool assumes you are dealing with closed source library. I think this is not the case for most of us.
Is there any forum devoted to dumpcpp? I guess they know that better.
Tools that analyze the structure of .obj files or their containers (such as .dlls) (or .o files on other platforms, for that matter) need to match the compiler that generated the files, so you probably need a dumpcpp that works with VS 2008.
I don't know what dumpcpp is, but from your description it sounds like it generates a header file for accessing the methods stored in a .dll. The vendor/maker of that .dll should have shipped such a header file (including documentation) to you to begin with, that would be your first stop.
dumpcpp is a Qt tool that generates a C++ namespace for a type library.
The problem i am facing is that i have commercial Qt4.3 version, integrated with visual studio 2005. So i can't use visual studio 2008 just for attaining my one goal. That is why i am looking for some tool which can produce a C++ namespace from 2008 dll, usable in 2005.
Though i really doubt, if its possible. :(