QT and MySQL
I've done alot of thorought searching already but I can't find proper or maybe clear info for this so I decided to ask here myself. This is just a short one so please answer... Thanks!
I'm still newbie on developing QT apps so just wanna ask how could I do the following in QT?
- mysql_fetch_array()
- mysql_fetch_row()
- mysql_num_fields()
- mysql_num_rows()
Again i'm a total newbie at this and still just learning.
a basic example would be better again thanks in advance! ^_^
oh yeah... so far this is the most I can do to retrieve specific data over the database...
@ QSqlTableModel model;
model.select();for (int i = 0; i < model.rowCount(); ++i) { QSqlRecord record = model.record(i); QString uname = record.value("username").toString(); QString email = record.value("email").toString(); if(uname == "qwesdsd") { QLabel *poplabel = new QLabel(); poplabel->setText("Email: "+email); poplabel->show(); }@
I'm not 100% sure, what do you want, but for the PHP comand above, you should look for the very simple QSqlQuery. The QSqlTableModel is more for a model/view implementation, that probably you won't need.
You can set your query with QSqlQuery easy, and you have similar functions as you need, take a look at seek(), size(), value(..) and record(). The documentation is rather good on this:
There are only for a examples, no control, no efficent, is only for understand how can you set a simple query...//Open mysqlite db
@void sql::connect()
bool ok;//Connect db db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName("test.sqlite"); ok = db.open(); if(!ok) { qDebug() << db.lastError(); exit(1); }
@//Create a table and insert some value
@void sql::test()
QSqlQuery query;
QString str = QString("CREATE TABLE t(x INTEGER, y, z, t,PRIMARY KEY(x ASC))");
query.exec();str = QString("INSERT INTO t VALUES(10, 5, 7, 'test')"); query.prepare(str); query.exec();
//Simple get some values separate from a ; in a QStringList
@QStringList sql::getActionUser(qint32 iduser)
QSqlQuery query;
QString str = QString("SELECT A.id,A.name,A.data FROM Action AS A WHERE A.iduser= '%1' ORDER BY A.data DESC").arg(iduser);
QStringList result;result.clear(); query.setForwardOnly(1); query.prepare(str); if(query.exec()) { while(query.next()) { if(query.isValid()) result << query.value(0).toString() + ";" + query.value(1).toString() + ";" + query.value(2).toString(); } } query.clear(); return result;